How we work 

Starting Pre-school

It is important for parents and Pre-School staff to work together to help the child to feel confident and secure in the setting. This takes longer for some children than for others and parents should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle. A child who is tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly.


Parents helping out

We know that some of you will be quite keen to leave your children with us!

We also know that some of you will want to be involved in the Pre-School in different ways

Parents Stay and Play sessions.

There will be many opportunities to help with fund raising.

There will be opportunities to accompany us on trips.

All parents will automatically be members of the Pre-School. If you want to join the committee you will be most welcome.

Collecting newspapers and other household items for play/collage, etc


What to wear

In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children dressed in clothes which are easily washable or not too new. In addition no necklaces, bracelets, rings or watches, and if ears are pierced then studs only.



Children may well be coming wearing nappies. It is essential that parents/carers provide nappies and a change of clothing for children using nappies and those children are left at the Pre-School in clean nappies.


Staff Meetings

 The staff meet regularly to plan each session, implement the curriculum, and to generally keep things running smoothly.


Comments and complaints

 If you are happy with things please tell others, if not please tell us. Please use the suggestion box. We hope that your child’s time in Pre-School will be a very happy and productive one. If you have any queries or if we can be of any help, please contact the Staff / committee/management at any time.